
Dr. Jessica Otis
Class Location & Time: MW 1:30-2:45pm, Horizon 1008 & Zoom
Office Hours: By appointment; just send me an email or Slack message and we’ll figure out a time/place to meet.

Technological Requirements:

1. A device that connects to the internet, preferably a computer that runs Mac, Windows, or Linux operating system.

If you don’t have and can’t obtain access to an appropriate device, please contact me ASAP and we’ll find a path forward for you.

Course Books:

1. Steven Shapin, The Scientific Revolution, 2nd ed.

2. Lawrence Principe, Scientific Revolution: A Very Short Introduction

3. Thomas F. Mayer, ed. The Trial of Galileo, 1612-1633

Technical Assistance:

In addition to asking for help via the class Slack or consulting with me during office hours, students can receive technical assistance at the Digital Scholarship Center (https://dsc.gmu.edu/) in the University Libraries.